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    5 Real Estate Exit Strategies For Investors: Which One is Right For You?

    6 min | 1/25/2021
    When it comes to real estate, putting an exit strategy in place is the same as having a backup plan. An entrepreneur would likely not enter into a business deal without a... Read More

    Our 10 Point Fix and Flip Checklist for First-Timers

    6 min | 1/5/2021
    Fixing and flipping can be a lucrative real estate investment. That being said, for first-timers, it can be difficult to know where to start. Read More

    The Complete Guide to Flipping Houses in Florida

    5 min | 1/5/2021
    Flipping houses is a great investment strategy for investors looking to turn a profit from their passion for real estate. And while it can be a challenging... Read More

    The Best Beginner Fix and Flip Tips For 2021

    7 min | 11/23/2020
    There’s some serious money to be made from flipping houses. However, if you think it’s a glamorous side hustle where you sit back and watch the money roll in,... Read More

    The Pros and Cons of Bridge Loans [An Expert Guide]

    5 min | 11/13/2020
    For real estate investors and house hunters, bridge loans can be a great source of quick financing. They can be used to make a down payment on a new home while... Read More

    Flipping Vs Renting [Views From an Expert Lender]

    6 min | 10/10/2020
    Flipping vs renting is a constant debate that rumbles on amongst real estate investors. This begs the question, is it better to rent or flip houses? While there... Read More